Monday, November 29, 2010

The Philippines

How is it that God can work His wonders all around the world? Does God ever dazzle you? (Dazzle is such a strange word.) I mean really, truly and completely floored by God? Or do you just not think about Him enough to count? I am pondering this in my mind as I try and open up my recent memories of all that God has done in my life in the past few weeks. But, truly God amazes me. It is a wonder how He is able to be so personal with everyone at the same time. He is able to know all the struggles and joys of everyone’s journey. My sphere and little corner of the world hardly even shows the glamour of God and I have seen him do many amazing things right here in my local lifestyle. Yet, my God moves all around the world. I saw Him work his miracles all over the Philippines as I traveled there with Dr. Stan Fleming and the team.
            Pastor Peter Mayam, an apostle over 20+ churches in the Philippines is my hero. I have never watched a man of God that carried himself with such peace. He trusts God, with everything, and despite the fact that he was orphaned as a child, despite that the fact that his brother is in critical condition in an American hospital, thousands of miles away, He still chooses to serve God. He still chooses to advance the kingdom and help other Pastor’s in their desperate need. After returning to the states I received an email that said this,

"Greetings and blessings to you and your family! In behalf of my family and the few pastors and churches of Lifeway Bible Church which the Lord has called me to oversee, please allow me to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR COMING AND BRINGING THE TEAM FOR MINISTRY HERE IN OUR REGION AND TO THE PASTORS AND CHURCHES WE ARE MINISTERING TO.  I personally had a fresh encounter with God and am encouraged with the little things we are doing to help build and extend the kingdom of God in our area of calling and ministry. My cellphone is overloaded with text messages of pastors from La Union and Solano and La Trinidad, expressing their deep appreciation and thanking me for bringing you and the team for the seminars…”

I am so grateful that God used me and the team to help encourage many churches and Pastors overseas. It is such a blessing. I was blessed to even know that I am serving alongside such great Christians. 
While there I was also able to speak at a youth conference, “Encountering God” and I was so blessed to see many youth leaders touched and restored to the vision God had for them and their ministry.
But what did I learn over there?
Well one I am so grateful for my Pastors and Mentors. I had a small taste of their daily life. I am so amazed how they are able to keep themselves completely filed with the Spirit so they can lead others. Even after praying for few people I felt empty and tired. I am so grateful for Pastor Ken Wilde, Mark Francey, and Shane Grove. They do this on a daily basis and still must find time to fill themselves with the presence of Jesus. We should never doubt how hard these people work, and we should certainly be compelled to pray for them.
There is one thing that stuck out in my life that has forever changed my view of life. I know now that you can learn all you want, about anything, but until you go out and do it I think you don’t really believe it at all. In fact beliefs and ideas take action. If you have a vision you can’t just sit all day visualizing, no, you will never get there. All we do takes action. Jesus demands it. So many Christians sit around knowing that God will provide. And yes that is true. And yes we must have faith, but faith is useless if you are not stepping out of the boat, or casting your nets. We sometimes make the excuse of faith for our laziness, And that is just arrogance at its finest level. When you step out it puts a demand on the anointing. Really what it boils down to is a willing heart. When you are willing God is willing to pour out upon you. There are many willing people but there are few that ever step out and commit. And commitment is everything.
But I love how the demand for the anointing increases when we actually practice the word. I love it! I really do. And God is doing even greater things that go far beyond a trip overseas. If we could only see the spiritual world!
            I also learned that I love the simplicity of toilet paper, and that even one ply, sand paper is a blessing from the Lord. I love the open market over there too. It was the coolest place I have ever been to; So loud, so full, so crazy, yet so orderly. Everyone seemed like they knew exactly what they were doing, and it was like that all over Baugio. 

For more pictures & videos you can visit my facebook. Also feel free to check out for video and missions information. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Fest

Fall Fest this weekend at Capital Christian Center! Tons of Candy! Tons of Games! Tons of Kids! Tons of Fun! Starts at 5:00pm-8pm this Halloween!



Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Dear Friends,

            Words can not even describe how much it blessed me to get your donations. God has been faithful to me as I get closer and closer to my departure. I am so pleased to announce that I was able to pay off all fees regarding my travel. Thank you so much for sowing a seed into my life. I know that you will be blessed. I can only say good things about you knowing that part of the reason I was able to go on this trip was because of some of God’s amazing servants.
            I will be trying to blog while I am on the trip to keep anyone who wants to know what's happening, updated. Also you might be able to catch up on events through facebook and twitter. I would also ask that you keep the team in your prayers as we travel abroad and minister the gospel. I have been given the opportunity to preach at a Youth conference as well as share my testimony and possibly preach in a church on a Sunday morning. Please pray that I will be lead by the Holy Spirit and have discernment.
            Once again thank you so much for your help! I am so grateful!


Mark Alexander Jones

Friday, July 30, 2010


Hello Friends,

As you know I am currently planning on going to the Philippines this November, 7th-18th, and I will be there doing some amazing things that I am so excited about. I know for a fact that God has some awesome things planned.
Just in case you wanted to know I currently have three different fundraisers currently helping me raise funds for the trip. Here are some ways you can help.

Date to Deploy: Want to spend some extra time with your spouse but need a babysitter? I would be more than glad to help out. I currently work with kids seven days a week through Boise Parks and Rec and gcKids at Capital Christian Center.

Relax to Run: Take a break form the sun and sweat and allow me to do that yard work that bugs you. I'm more than happy to mow lawns. It's practicality my nature.

Shop For A Cause: Thanks to Macy's and their new campaign Gate Breakers is able to raise money to go towards the trip this November. The way it works is that cards are sold to people ($5 each) and allow them to go into Macy's on October 16, and shop with special discounts. 

The Sleep to Send Campaign has ended.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Some Exciting News!!!

By the grace and favor of God I write to you today.  The last year has been the best year of my life (so far) and I do not say that lightly. I have encountered God, personally. No longer is it a religion, or a thing my parents taught me, but it is a personal relationship that has changed my life. I feel like Moses. He was a Hebrew that found out he was Hebrew that was told about God, but it probably did not mean anything to Him until he encountered him on the mountain.
            In the last 10 months I have been heavily involved in Generation Church in Boise, Idaho as well as working with gcKids , the children’s ministry at Capital Christian Center. I also just finished my first year of interns where I learned basic doctrine, surveyed the Old and New Testament, and traveled. In May I went to Washington D.C. to the National Prayer Center, to pray with senators and congressman around the nation. God has been good to me!
            I have now been given the opportunity to travel to Baugio in the Philippines with Dr. Stan Fleming’s ministry Gate Breakers. I was absolutely thrilled when it presented itself, and after seeking the Lord I feel like it is a God given open door for me to walk through. I will be there in November for 10-12 days prior to thanksgiving on an outreach ministering to youth, pastors, and many others.
            With humility I ask for any donations to help with the cause. The trip costs around $2,500. I am currently in need of around $1,900. Yet, I am willing to do any work for you around the house and other odd jobs. I am handy with yard work and children. I would be grateful and honored to have you help.  

Stay informed: Be sure to check out my blog for more information. I will post everything about the trip after it is over.
Tweet! Tweet!: Follow me on twitter to get fast and easy updates on the trip and other things I am doing this year. Twitter Name: MarkAlexanderJ
Gate Breakers:  Please take the time to see the kind of work this ministry does around the world. They are affecting people everywhere!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

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Friday, July 9, 2010